Welcome to DAD

DAD stands for “Decisions About Decisions” and that in two senses. Firstly in the literal sense - deciding how to decide what and secondly in the figurative sense of “so many decisions”. DAD helps you to become aware of your decisions, to structure them, to manage them, to analyse them and thus to be able to make better decisions in the future. And literally, it helps you decide which decisions to make and how to make them.

Module 1: What do we want to decide and how?

This module is about how to decide in principle.

We encounter this problem at all levels of our lives.

With a few questions you can find out which of the 5 methods is most suitable for your upcoming decision:

  1. operational individual decision (oE): you alone and only you decide.
  2. individual consultative decision (cD): you decide, but you consult others first
  3. operational group decision (oG): A group makes a decision based on a simple survey
  4. consultative group decision (cG): A group makes a decision by developing and proposing alternatives before evaluating them individually, thus requiring more effort and time
  5. unitary decision (EE): here everyone works together until all agree

Details on the methods and the selection mechanism can be found here.

Go here for the app of module 1

This module shall become a Citizen Science project!
This means, on the one hand, that it is free of charge and, on the other hand, that no personal data of yours will be stored! Our servers are located in a German data centre in Frankfurt, operated by firstcolo GmbH. You don’t even have to enter what it’s about. You can try out the tool as often as you like with questions as big or small as you like in your head. We are still looking for scientific support! If you work in a university, please contact us. The aim of the project is to continuously refine the dimensions and test questions and thus gain insights into the acceptance and tolerance ranges of people, as well as decision-making behaviour in general.

Module 2: How do we decide concretely in a group?

This module starts one level deeper with the procedures and supports you in the practical implementation of a decision-making process in the group and will enable you to analyse the decisions in your organisation. This tool is designed for methods 3-5 and offers several procedures for voting among each other. This ranges from a simple majority vote for questions like “Where are we going for lunch today?” to an intensive process with facilitation, a proposal phase lasting several weeks and a sophisticated voting mechanism.

More details on the procedures in the decision-making process can be found here.

Go to the app of Module 2 here